A fun arrangement of different frames on your wall
Simple Frame Hanging
Random Salon or Composition Hanging
n unusual picture, precious photos or funny prints – they deserve a special place on the wall! But how do you tackle that? Can you hang a fun arrangement of different frames and prints using a picture hanging system? You certainly can! These tips will result in a beautiful arrangement on the wall in no time. And you can simply change and style your display as often as you please.
Step 1: Random Salon or Composition Hanging
Any Artiteq Rail system can suspend a salon hang. But how do you tackle a Salon hang?
Place your arrangement of art pieces on the floor below the wall.
This keeps the available space as your reference for the composition on the wall space. Match the artwork composition to the width and height proportions of the wall wide walls stretch the composition… with a narrow wall increase the height of the composition … don’t be afraid to misalign every pierce vertically and horizontally. Just keep some the spacing between pieces roughly the same… this will give the composition a “jagged edge” and flexibility to add to it later.
Step 2: Fix your Hanging Gear
when you are happy with your layout. Put fittings on your frames next so everything is ready to hang.
Frame Hangers are the best hook option for composition work to use as they hang every artwork flat and close to the wall. They are easy to adjust and multiple artwork can be attached to each hanger.
Drop down a nylon or cable hanger for each piece’s position, feed the hanger into the frame fittings you’ve attached to the artworks one by one…roughly adjusting as you go.
If you can attach more than one frame on each hanger all the better.. using as few hangers as possible keep the composition looking less complicated. . you may need to reposition the Frame Hangers fittings on the artwork or just use a thumb tack on the artwork frame above to act as a guide for the hanger to drop down right above the artwork position below.
Step 3: Be brave when hanging
Try options,resist aligning and making things too symmetrical. Life is random.. So is this statement. These tips will result in a beautiful arrangement on the wall in no time. And you can simply change and style your display as often as you please.